
Secure Apache with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Let’s encrypt provide valid and free ssl certiciate, Its Let’s Encrypt has the capability to automate the SSL based virtual host deployment on an Apache web server, and it also validates the domain name of the http based virtual host on the server if the http based virtual host is found So then Let’s encrypt […]

Install Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP) Stack on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Introduction LAMP is the stack of Linux, Apache, MariaDB and PHP, We can deploy PHP based project on LAMP server and also LAMP is so popular for WordPress CMS to build a website for their client, We can install LAMP server on AWS/ Azure/GCP and other cloud platform and scale also. LAMP Stack component overview. […]

Installing Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Introduction Apache is an open-source web server software that is widely used on the Internet to serve web pages. It is developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation and is the most popular web server software in use today. Apache2 is known for its stability, flexibility, and security, and can be easily configured to […]

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